Are Solar Panels Safe for Your Phoenix Roof?

Everything you need to know about having solar panels on an Arizona roof.

Many property owners consider having solar panels on their roof, but often worry about the integrity of the roof when installing this type of system. Solar power systems derive clean, pure energy from the sun, all while saving you thousands of dollars on your electric bill. According to a 2021 study from the U.S Energy Information Administration, Arizona ranks second in the nation in net generation from solar energy. Solar panels are a great addition to any property, and if you’re considering one, it’s important to know just what they entail. If you’re an Arizona resident, here is everything you need to know before installing solar panels on your roof:

What Is Solar Energy?

You may have heard of solar energy before, but are unsure how exactly it works. Solar power harnesses the sun’s energy and transforms it into electrical energy for your home or business. The sun’s rays travel to Earth in the form of photons that are able to convert sunlight into electricity. Installing solar panels on your home or business can help combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the dependence on fossil fuel. Traditional electricity is sourced from fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. When fossil fuels are burned to produce electricity, they emit harmful gasses that are the primary cause of air pollution and global climate change.

How Do Solar Panels Work On a Roof?

Solar panels help keep your roof cool from any harsh sun rays. They absorb the sunlight that would usually fall directly onto the roof, and since there is plenty of year-round Arizona sunshine, your roof should have no issue with this renewable source of energy. There is a space between the solar panels and the roof where air can flow to help cool underneath the panels. Solar panels also act as a protective agent against harsh weather like excessive rain and hail, and can help your roof last longer than it otherwise would without them.

 Is It Safe for My Phoenix Roof?

Being concerned about roof damage with a solar panel installation is extremely common. There are parts to the installation process that put your roof at risk if done incorrectly, but in almost every case, the weight of solar panels will not compromise the structural integrity of your roof. Roofs are designed to hold a significant amount of weight than might be added with solar panels. Another common concern is holes being drilled into your roof to install the actual panels. During installation, roofers will drill holes in your roof to secure the solar panels. These holes are for lag bolts, which secure your panels to your roof and are designed to be extremely durable. The bolt fixtures that cause the holes will be surrounded by flashing, protecting existing roof tiles. The flashing is then sealed with tar or similar material, and the hole where the lag bolt is sealed to protect against water seepage in your roof.

When making decisions regarding your roof and preparing for big investments like solar panels, consider American Roofing & Waterproofing! We’ll answer all your roofing questions, provide you with a free estimate and give you quality service you can trust.

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