What roofing materials you should look for when considering an eco-friendly roof
New products and materials are continually coming out that make energy efficient and environmentally friendly roofs available to areas. The ability to install an eco-friendly roofing material can make a big difference on the environmental footprint of your structure.
Obviously, each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to look into which is best for each individual roofing project.
We’ve laid out the options below:
Wood shingles have stood the test of time as an option for roofs. They are able to be recycled into reclaimed wood products, and many use the products in their own homes. These kinds of shingles also act as a natural insulator when installed on a commercial or multifamily property. Wood is decomposable, biodegradable and features natural materials that are harvested and replanted as part of a cycle of sustainability. This material is more popular in northern Arizona, on cabins or wood-styled homes, as the heat is less intense and nature is more present in that area.
Metal roofs are eco-friendly. This material has reflective properties that naturally cool down a structure by deflecting the sun’s rays. Having a metal roof allows for less expensive and sustainable air conditioning, as the AC wouldn’t be working as hard. Metal is completely recyclable and durable, lasting up to 50 years.
Clay and slate tiles have been around for centuries and are other energy-efficient choices for eco-friendly roofing materials. They allow hot air to circulate rather than remain trapped. Clay and slate tiles are 100 percent recyclable and are long-lasting. They are two of the more affordable roofing materials out there, but due to their weight, usually end up being more expensive to have installed.
Solar systems are one of the more advanced options that are environmentally friendly. We predict they will adorn many roofs as sustainability becomes more of a central topic of conversation. Solar roofing can come in different forms: as solar panels installed on an existing roof, or as tiles that make up the roofing itself. By absorbing the sun’s rays, solar roofs convert this energy into usable electricity. If your roof is going to sit under the sun all day, why not create sustainable energy while doing so?
Choosing environmentally friendly and energy efficient roofing materials can help the Earth while saving you money in the long run. The above materials tend to be more durable and long-lasting, meaning your investment will last longer than the average roof. An eco-friendly roof is also kinder to your monthly utility bills, since it usually helps keep homes cooler and cuts down on the reliance on heating and cooling systems. American Roofing & Waterproofing is here to help reduce the carbon footprint by providing sustainable materials for your roofing projects.